Did you know? Our clinicians are so thorough that they have even found nits on a man's ear hair!
How long will the treatment process take?
We estimate an average of 1 hour per head, depending on the length of hair and level of infestation.
Are head lice dangerous?
No. They are more of an annoyance than dangerous and are not known to transmit disease. However, excessive scratching to the scalp could result in an infection.
I've used several different lice shampoos and they keep coming back! What are we doing wrong?
Over the years head lice have developed resistance to lice shampoos. There is no shampoo that will kill the nits.
Should I use prescription shampoos?
Although some pediatricians might prescribe prescription shampoos, head lice have also developed resistance to these drugs. Prescription shampoos are likely to contain strong pesticides, which can be highly toxic to the nervous system, especially in children. (More about lice shampoos on our Lice Facts page). Manual removal has proven to be the most effective, best lice treatment today, however it is also the most difficult part of lice removal.
What is Super Lice?
Super Lice is the name given to the newer strains of lice that are physically tougher, have thicker exoskeletons, and are more resilient to chemicals than previous strains of lice. Head lice that survive chemical treatments pass on their genes and that leads to resistant lice. They adapt in order to survive.
Can my dog or cat get head lice?
No, lice do not live on pets.
How long do lice live?
A head louse can survive about thirty days. During that time, it can lay over 100 eggs. However, lice cannot live without human blood for more than 24-48 hours.
Are head lice attracted to dirty hair?
No, in fact, they prefer to lay their eggs in clean hair.
Are children the only ones who get head lice?
While it's more commonly spread among children, parents and other adults are not immune. It is less common for men to get lice. There is approximately an 85% chance that a sibling will get it, a 70% chance that a mother will get it and a 20% chance that a father will get it.
What if I find head lice?
If head lice are found then it needs immediate attention. The reproduction of head lice is an ongoing cycle. Every day that is allowed to go by allows more eggs to be laid. More eggs result in more lice, which result again, in more eggs. Removing head lice is a difficult process and very time consuming. It is well worth taking care of the problem now, than allowing a rampant infestation to take place.
Will it help if I wash my child's hair daily?
Unfortunately no. The nits are coated with a glue-like substance that cements them to the hair shaft and washing will not remove them.
Will it help if I have my child wear gel in their hair to repel lice?
Gel will not repel lice. It's best to pull the hair back into a ponytail or braids, if possible.