"Your daughter has lice..." not a fun phone call to get from school. :( I called Tiny Locks and Kim answered right away and had Mihaela come to our house within a couple of hours. Mihaela was our super hero that day! She treated the whole family and taught me how to do follow up care so the lice wouldn't come back. She is so kind and sweet. This service is worth every penny. My kids loved her! You don't want to mess around with lice."
-J.G. Aliso Viejo, CA
"I feel very lucky to work with such an amazing staff of women and I am proud to offer helpful services to OC and LA families. I love and appreciate all of you. Thank you!"
- Kimberly
Tiny Locks™ is a professional in-home head lice removal service. We specialize in the identification and removal of head lice on children using the safest, most effective, non-toxic and eco-friendly methods.
We also provide service to the most prestigious private schools in Los Angeles and Orange County because our demand for excellence is unparalleled. We understand the need for discretion that our clients require and honor that necessity.
Our goal is to educate people about head lice and to assist in safe, fast removal and prevention. An experienced TinyLocks clinician will come to your home at a requested time, with special supplies, and literature. She will treat everyone in the household, explain to you what should be done around the house, answer all your questions, and show you how to follow through with aftercare in your home.
Kimberly Stellman is the Manager and leading Lice Treatment Specialist at Tiny Locks™ California with many years experience in both at-home lice services as well as in lice removal salons. An animal lover and mother herself, Kimberly employs clinicians who are also mothers and have the ability to empathize with life's little surprises. She believes that the priniciples that guide our company are integrity, professionalism, courtesy and friendliness when assisting your family. She takes pride in what she does and is compassionate about our clients' needs and in administering our treatment services. Kimberly lends her many years of experience working with children to the Tiny Locks™ customer, with the knowledge that she is helping families and is dedicated to offering the most effective and safe lice removal methods available. As a result of her managerial experience within the customer relations field, she contends that the client/customer relationship is the backbone for any successful business. Her team of professional lice removal clinicians, also known as lice fairies, are always there to help you day and night. email Kim at kim@tinylocks.com.
Call for immediate assistance: OC: (949) 207-3433, LA (310) 362-0577.