Frequently Asked Questions

Understanding and Managing Head Lice

Dealing with head lice can be a challenging and stressful experience, especially for parents. To help you navigate this common issue, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions. These FAQs are designed to provide you with essential information about how head lice are spread, the most effective treatments, and preventive measures. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge you need to effectively manage and eliminate head lice, ensuring the well-being of your family.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We hope these answers help you better understand head lice and provide you with the information you need to manage and prevent infestations effectively. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our experts.

1. How did my child get head lice?

The most common ways to get head lice are through head-to-head contact or sharing personal items.

We estimate an average of 1 hour per head, depending on the length of hair and level of infestation.

No. They are more of an annoyance than dangerous and are not known to transmit disease. However, excessive scratching to the scalp could result in an infection.

Over the years, head lice have developed resistance to lice shampoos. There is no shampoo that will kill the nits.

Although some pediatricians might prescribe prescription shampoos, head lice have also developed resistance to these drugs. Prescription shampoos are likely to contain strong pesticides, which can be highly toxic to the nervous system, especially in children. Manual removal has proven to be the most effective treatment today, although it is also the most difficult part of lice removal.

Super Lice is the name given to the newer strains of lice that are physically tougher, have thicker exoskeletons, and are more resilient to chemicals than previous strains of lice. Head lice that survive chemical treatments pass on their genes, leading to resistant lice. They adapt in order to survive.

No, lice do not live on pets.

A head louse can survive about thirty days. During that time, it can lay over 100 eggs. However, lice cannot live without human blood for more than 24-48 hours.

No, in fact, they prefer to lay their eggs in clean hair.

While it’s more commonly spread among children, parents and other adults are not immune. It is less common for men to get lice. There is approximately an 85% chance that a sibling will get it, a 70% chance that a mother will get it, and a 20% chance that a father will get it.

If head lice are found, it needs immediate attention. The reproduction of head lice is an ongoing cycle. Every day that goes by allows more eggs to be laid, resulting in more lice and thus more eggs. Removing head lice is a difficult and time-consuming process. It is well worth taking care of the problem now rather than allowing a rampant infestation to take place.

Unfortunately no. The nits are coated with a glue-like substance that cements them to the hair shaft, and washing will not remove them.

Gel will not repel lice. It’s best to pull the hair back into a ponytail or braids, if possible.